Application Instructions

General Application Instructions

*Check our Additional tips section as well, to see if they apply to your skin/device

Step 1: Turn off your device for about 20-30 minutes prior to application.  You want to apply the skin to a cool device.   

Step 2: Bright, Clean and Flat ... Work in a well lit space on a steady flat surface. Ensure the area is well lit, has zero dust and is clean.
Tip: close doors/windows to minimise the chance of dust particles breezing around your application area!

Step 3: Forensically Clean ... Clean the surface of your device with a lint-free cloth. Do not wet your device with cleaning fluids or water.
Tip: use rubbing alcohol (such as Isopropyl) with a lint free cloth (wait for the alcohol to evaporate/dry before applying your new skin).

Step 4: Check your new SkinWraps vinyl skin carefully ... Have you ordered the correct skin for your device?  Check the orientation of each panel - how and where does it fit on the device.   Do the panels have any cut-outs? (camera, mic, logo etc) - we recommend revealing/picking out (known as 'weeding') the cut-outs before you apply the skin, using a pin or similar.
Tip: contact us for help before application if you think you might have ordered the wrong skin for your device or if you're unsure about how to apply it.

Step 5: The Moment of Truth ... slowly and carefully peel the panel away from its backing sheet and place it on the surface of your device. Always handle panels with care to help reduce the chance to stretch or tear.  DO NOT PRESS TO STICK YET. See how you can slide the panel across the surface? This is a feature of the special lo-tack adhesive and it allows you to lift and position the panel until you are sure it is in the perfect position.
Remember: applying pressure activates the glue in the adhesive so don't press to stick until you are positive the panel is positioned correctly.

Step 6: Align the Skin ... if the panel has cutouts for camera/mic/sensor then use those to help you align the panel to the surface of the device. Most of our skins sit back from the edges of the device a little bit (to help avoid them lifting over prolonged use) so do not line the panel up flush to an edge of the device. Use the cutouts and/or use your eyes to ensure the panel sits centrally on the surface you are applying it to.

Step 7 : Apply Pressure ... once you are happy that the panel is aligned correctly to cut-outs and/or you are comfortable it looks 'just right', start applying pressure from the centre and work your way out towards the edge of the device.

Working from the centre out to the edges allows you to push out any bubbles that may form during application.

Don't be gentle when smoothing down the panel - you want to create pressure and heat from your palm as this 'activates' the glue.   Consider smoothing over the wrap a second time after you have applied it .. to help ensure full adhesive activation**
Tip ... do not press to stick the edges first (otherwise any bubbles that may form cannot escape!).

Pro Tip for Curved edges and corners: Using gentle heat (hairdryer set to warm, for example) to warm up the corners can assist with smoothing out any stubborn crinkles.

**Adhesive that isn't 'activated' will create small pockets of air that will expand, creating bubbles to appear over time as you use the device.

Additional Tips

Screen Protectors should always be applied before your vinyl skin panel/s

When to use Heat

After application: If your device has curved edges and you want to help the panel sit closer to surface without a 'hard' edge then run a hairdryer (set to warm) along the edges for a few seconds. This loosens up the adhesive allowing you to run a finger firmly along the edges to smooth the panel edge down securely.

Textured Skins (such as our carbon fibre-look skins) - regardless of whether the panel/s sit on a curved edge you will need to run a hairdryer (set to warm) along the edges of the panels for a few seconds after applying the textured panels. Rub your finger along the edges, firmly, to smooth the textured panel edges to the device surface.

Glass Back Phones: For devices that have a glass back such as iPhone 11, 12 and 13 models (for example) it is recommended that heat be applied across the panels (both back and camera area if your wrap has a separate panel for the camera area) after application.  This helps the adhesive grab the surface of the phone.

Laptop Panel Application

First, check the lid for fingerprints, dust particles and dirt. Use a lint-free cloth to wipe down the lid. Tip: Rubbing alcohol is great to clean off the lid (if available) because the alcohol evaporates quickly.

Next, peel the panel from its backing and place it on the laptop lid - DO NOT PRESS TO STICK YET. See how you can move the panel across the surface of the lid ? This lo-tack adhesive allows you to position the panel so it looks 'just right' on the lid before you press down to apply it.

DON'T ... pick an edge of the lid and line up the panel to it - if you do this the panel will not look right.

DO ... the panels are designed to be slightly smaller than the lid, so move the panel until you see equal spacing around the panel and the edges of the lid.

HINGED LAPTOPS ... If your laptop has hinges then don't forget to align the hinge cutouts so that the spacing around the hinges looks as 'even' as possible.

Once you are happy the panel is in the right position and looks great, press to apply the vinyl to the lid. Work from the centre, outwards, in firm sweeping strokes.
Tip: press to stick the edges last - this will allow you to push out any bubbles that might form underneath the panel during application.

Thermomix Panel Application

The TM5 and TM6 models have a curved front face which can make application - particularly for the full front panels - tricky.
Pro tip from one of our amazing customers (thanks Izabela!) who says ..."make sure that you start from positioning it around the screen first. I cut the backing paper off half way before applying it to prevent the upper part of the skin from sticking while I was positioning it at the bottom. Hope that helps someone "...

Nintendo Switch - Full Skin Kit Application Tips

Refer to  the general application instructions - however patience and time is required for application of the full skin kit due to the fuller coverage (more fiddly bits!).

Take your time and use a hairdryer set to warm (not hot) temperature to warm up the vinyl when smoothing around corners and edges.

Remember not to press to apply until you are happy with the panel's alignment. Feeling unsure about the full skin application or have questions about it? Contact us for help.

Apple Pencil 1 & 2 Skin Kit Application Tips

When applied correctly the Pencils look awesome but you really need patience - or someone with more patience and petite fingers to get it just right.

  • Place the first panel (recommend starting with the pen tip) on its starting point - we recommend using the flat edge of the Pencil as a starting point.
  • In a rolling motion, smooth the panel around the Pencil tip.
  • Apply heat, using a hairdryer set to warm, to smooth down any creases/crinkles.
  • Place the main body panel for the Pencil on its starting point - again, we recommend using the flat edge of the Pencil as a starting point.
  • In a rolling motion, smooth the panel around the Pencil body.
  • If necessary, apply heat, using a hairdryer set to warm, to smooth down any creases/crinkles.
